Your story is your past, yes it is valid and has shaped who you are, but it is no longer needed to become who you are truly meant to be. It will only hold you down if you keep grasping onto it, it’s time to step out of your story and into the wisdom of your Soul.

Your story is full of memories, feelings and emotions some are good, but many are low vibrational frequencies that keep you from experiencing the bliss, joy and good fortune that is waiting for you. If your story is keeping you a Victim with blame, judgement, bitterness, and resentment towards others you are stuck in a cage of limitations and fear. It may feel safe because it’s your defence and so familiar but it’s not the REAL you!

The real you is Love. If you are not there this is your work. We all have a story, but you can tell the ones who live there and the ones who don’t. The ones who don’t will allow them selves to feel and accept the process but keep the higher vision of what they know is in their heart. They know the strength of who they are at their core, and are determined to not let anyone or any situation hold them back from their greatness.

Step into your Soul in every moment that you remember to. Whenever the story starts to play around in the background like black noise, hush it gently, say- “I know you’re still there and I acknowledge you, but I’m choosing the expansiveness of stillness right now, thank you.” And put the story to rest. When you feel your Soul- your higher self , you will know. She is silent, peaceful, blissful and limitless. When you live from this place anything and everything is possible! Her wisdom shows you there is nothing to be afraid of, step into your light with confidence and show the world who you are.

She doesn’t make excuses or sabotage you to not evolve. She doesn’t blame anyone for where she is in her life. She takes full responsibility for her future and leaves the past where it belongs. She is gracious to everyone she crosses on her path and gently nudges others to step out of their story also. After all, It’s just a story, nothing more. It’s no longer real. No need to give it another ounce of your precious mind or take any more of your good energy.

She knows everything you are truly capable of when you choose her as your guide instead of your Ego. She can take you so far, because she is pure unbounded awareness, focused on only joy and  creating miracles.

It’s time to step into your Soul and become who you always were from the beginning, the twists and turns to find her where all part of the journey to give her the lessons to realise the only thing that’s important, what she truly values from every part of her being, and who she is in her most pure essence. She’s been there holding your hand all along.

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And on Instagram @inflowwellness_

Wishing you flow and bliss,

Sara xx