How Emotional Stress affects the Physical Body

When it comes to emotional and physical stress, we all experience things differently. Have you ever noticed how something can really upset you one day, then you can be indifferent about it and it doesn’t bother you at all. Or the other extreme is something really gets to you and no matter how hard you try to get over it, it just continues to get worse and you can’t seem to let it go!

We are very complex beings and from a Kinesiology perspective I want to shine light on how emotional stress affects the body, where we store certain emotions and how some things we do can keep emotions stuck, which can then lead to chronic pain, illness and disease.

Kinesiology is based on the Meridian system (Chinese Medicine) which is all about the flow of energy throughout the body and how the Meridians, Organs, Emotions and Muscles relate to the 5 elements of nature.

There are so many emotions, muscles and organs but I will talk about the most common things I see in my clinic as a Kinesiologist.

The 5 elements in nature also exist in us. They are;

METAL – Firstly, gut issues affecting the Large Intestine are often due to emotional stress. Someone might have been able to eat Gluten or Dairy, but all of a sudden they can’t tolerate it. This could be due to harbouring Guilt, Grief, Regret, Self-Worth issues or unable to let go of something. The muscles linked with Large Intestine are the Hamstrings and the Quadratus Lumborum in the lower back. Lung is related to Depression, Regret, Openness and Contempt. The muscles associated with Lung are the Deltoids (shoulders), Coracobrachialis (connects arm and the chest), Diaphragm and Anterior Serratus (muscle around the ribs).

WATERBladder and the Kidney meridians are associated with Fear, Anxiety, Phobias, Dread, Paranoia, Carelessness, Restlessness, Inadequacy, Peace and Courage. The Kidney (Fear) muscle is the Psoas which is a deep hip flexor that goes through to the lower back, alot of people are very tight here from sitting for prolonged periods. The Erector Spinae (either side of the spine) and Anterior and Posterior Tibialis (next to the shin) are muscles linked with the Bladder meridian.

WOOD – The Liver and Gall Bladder are the Wood element organs/meridians and are emotions of Anger, Rage, Vengefulness, Transformation, Irritability, Boredom, Passive, Pride and Content to name a few.. So you can see why when people drink too much alcohol they can get angry out of nowhere! This is suppressed emotions coming out in unhealthy ways. So perhaps if you feel these emotions have a handle on you, think about a Liver cleanse and cutting out anything too fatty for the gall Bladder. Liver muscles are the Pec Major (Chest) and Rhomboids (between the shoulder blades). Gall bladder related muscles are the Anterior deltoid (front of shoulder) and Poplitius (behind the knee)

FIRE – There are 4 Meridians/organs in the Fire element. Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer and Circulation Sex, so it’s a big one! Heart emotions are Forgiveness, Compassion, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem and Self-Worth.  Also Self doubt, Insecurity and Hate. The muscle for Heart meridian is Subscapularis (under the shoulder blade). Small Intestine emotions are Joy, Shock, Nervousness and over excited and the muscles linked with Small Intestine are the Quadriceps and Rectus Abdominus.(Abs). Triple Warmer are feelings of Elation, Loneliness, Humiliation and Despair and the muscles are Gastrocnemius, Soleus (calf), Sartorius and Gracillus (inner thigh), Teres Minor (Back of shoulder) . Circulation sex emotions are Gloomy, Hysteria, Jealousy and remorse, and the muscles that will test weak are the Gluteals, Piraformis and Adductors.

EARTH – is the Stomach and Spleen Meridians. Because the Stomach is the first organ of the digestive system it is very important to the energy of all other organs following it. The emotions linked with the Stomach are Disappointment, Deprivation, Greed and Doubt. The muscles that I would test are the Neck flexors and extensors. The Spleen emotions are Rejection, Alienation, Cynicism and Envy, and the related muscles are the Lats, Middle traps and Triceps.

When we think of the body in this way, we start to realise how everything is so connected. Things are always moving and flowing through us and around us and we have the power to shift anything with intention and vibrational energy techniques.

The In Flow Wellness clinic is located in Terrigal on the Central Coast, we can do sessions face to face or online.

To make a booking click HERE

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In Flow and Good Health,

Sara xx